A letter has been sent to all parents explaining how we are distributing the RAT tests in batches to avoid congestion. It is a “drive through” scenario – where parents drive past A block and pull into the bus bay to collect their kits.
To make this distribution run smoothly and as quickly as possible for all parents, we ask that you read the following instructions:
- STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE (do not walk up to staff, for your and their protection). We are working to streamline the distribution process and to limit contact we ask that you drive through only for this collection.
- There will be 1 collection point
- Please drive to the roundabout on Eastern Road to come back to the side of Eastern Road where you can pull into the bus bay closest to the college. Please queue and wait your turn, there is only one entry direction to the bus bay, do not over-take other vehicles.
- Please BRING STUDENT ID. (Wyndham College Student ID Card, Birth Cert, Passport, Medicare card), please have this ready immediately upon arriving at the collection point.
- While we encourage a parent to collect the RAT Kits for their child, we understand that many Year 12 students are independent, and we will issue the RAT Kits to our students directly if a parent is not able to attend the collection day and time.
We will try and keep the lines moving as quickly as possible but due to the number of families we have, there may be a queue at times.
Once you have the kits, the information below explains what to do next :
The use of RAT kits is an important step to support the health and wellbeing of our students and staff. They are a quick and easy screening tool to help detect COVID-19.
The tests will also provide peace of mind for you and your family and assist in keeping our school community safe. We ask that you use the tests as requested even if your student does not have symptoms as people can be positive whilst not showing any sign of symptoms.
- The tests should be completed at home in the morning before attending school (we suggest Monday & Wednesday mornings).
- Each student will receive an initial supply of 4 RAT Kits to be used twice a week, in the morning before attending school (4 kits will cover 2 weeks).
Provided within the RAT kits are instructions on how to: use the tests; check the results and how to dispose of the tests safely. Parents, carers and students can also download the user guides of the relevant test that they received through the Therapeutic Goods Administration website.
If a student receives a positive Rapid Antigen Test result, they need to:
- record the positive RAT result through the Service NSW website or App
- notify the school of the positive RAT or PCR test result as soon as possible – by phone 9208 7100 or email
- follow NSW Health Advice to isolate for 7 days.
Negative results do not need to be reported to Service NSW or to the school.
Unwell at School
Any student or staff member who is unwell and/or displays symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to go home and stay home until they can complete a RAT or PCR test.
- If symptoms continue, they should stay at home and take another RAT in 24 hours or have a PCR test.
- If the second RAT or initial PCR test result is negative, the student or staff member can return to school.