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Wyndham College

Wyndham College

A school as unique as you are.

Telephone02 9208 7100



Apply now for limited places in our highly rated Platinum Club

Planning ahead for university? - Apply Now. High potential and gifted students who wish to apply for Platinum Club should enrol online now to secure your place. 


Applying to Enrol at Wyndham College

Nirimba Collegiate applicants (Quakers Hill High School, Seven Hills High School & Riverstone High School)

Enrolment packages will be provided to Nirimba Collegiate students at the time of their Subject Selection interview  in Term 3. Students will need to return their completed enrolment forms to their School’s Careers Advisor as soon as possible.

All enquiries about enrolment in Wyndham College can be directed to the Collegiate Deputy Principal, Wyndham College. Phone 9208 7100

Subject Selection

Subject selection is one aspect of the Transition to Senior School Program that involves:

  • Provision of a Nirimba Collegiate Senior Course Guide 2025
  • Comprehensive Careers Program
  • 'Senior School Expo' days in Year 9
  • Senior Studies Information session 
  • Open and Subject Information nights across each of the Collegiate schools
  • Subject Taster Days
  • Experience Days 
  • Subject selection interviews with the Collegiate Careers Team.

Non-Collegiate applicants

If you are seeking enrolment at Wyndham College please contact us on 02 9208 7100 to discuss enrolment eligibility and procedure. Please read the policy for enrolment at Wyndham College for further information.

Wyndham College offers students a wide range of curriculum choice, including differentiated and alternative curricula. We welcome students from all schools and encourage students to apply for a unique HSC experience.

Step 1 : Expression of interest

Please fill in the expression of interest to enrol form and make sure to attach:

A copy of the applicant’s:

  • last two school reports
  • birth certificate or identity documents
  • NESA: All My Own Work and NAPLAN information 
  • proof of current address; must accompany the 'Expression of Interest' to enrol form.

Download Wyndham College Year 11 Expression of Interest to Enrol 2025 form

Download Wyndham College Year 12 Expression of Interest to Enrol 2024 form


Download Wyndham College Year 11 2024 Mid Course Expression of Interest

Download Wyndham College Year 12 2024 Mid Course Expression of Interest

This form asks students to identify subjects that they would like to study in Year 11 and 12. The Nirimba Collegiate Senior Course Guide can be downloaded from this page under the Subject Selection heading. Course fees and ATAR information are also included in the guide.

Step 2 : Return expression of interest forms

Mail completed Expression of Interest to Enrol and (if applicable) Platinum Club Expression of Interest forms to:

Deputy Principal
Wyndham College,
PO Box 117
Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Email to : wyndhamcol-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Hand deliver to the school.

Completing the Expression of Interest form does not guarantee enrolment at Wyndham College. All offers will be at the discretion of the Principal, Wyndham College.

If you have any questions about the enrolment process please phone the Deputy Principal at 02 9208 7100.

Step 3 : Enrolment interview

Successful EOIs will be invited for interview.

Please bring copies of the following documents with you:

  • immunisation history statement based on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR)
  • family law or other relevant court orders (if applicable).

If your child was born overseas you will need to provide:

  • passport or travel documents
  • current visa
  • current visa subclass
  • date of arrival in Australia.

The information below is helpful for students enroling in all K-6 or 7-12 public schools.

Moving overseas

Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT? 

Email document.authentication@det.nsw.edu.au to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.