Enrol Now
Applications for enrolment open at the beginning of each school year and will close when course numbers are full. Please apply early to secure your place at Wyndham College.
NOTE - The expression of interest process for non-local and non-Collegiate student enrolment in Year 11 - 2025 is now closed due to course numbers being full.
Non-Local Enrolment
Wyndham College admits students from all schools, including public out of area as well as from catholic, independent, private, international or home schools. Students are eligible to apply for non-local enrolment if they:
- Are a permanent resident of Australia or have authority to enrol issued by the Department of Education and
- Are not under an unresolved suspension or expulsion from another NSW government school and
- Anticipate completion of Year 10 ROSA (confirmation required) and evidence of a positive attitude that will lead to successful completion of the HSC credential and
- Provide a completed Expression of Interest form accompanied by all required documentation including evidence of good character and commitment to learning goals.
We encourage eligible students from all schools to apply for a high quality HSC experience that is supported by an ethos of adult learning and linked to a strong student well-being program. View our extensive range of subjects, course fees and ATAR information in the Course Guide.
Non-Local Enrolment Procedures
Step 1 : Expression of interest
Please fill in the appropriate EOI form below to enrol:
Please make sure to attach a copy of the applicant’s:
- last two school reports including most recent Year 10 report
- birth certificate or identity documents
- NESA: All My Own Work and NAPLAN information
- proof of current address; must accompany the 'Expression of Interest' to enrol form.
Section C in the EOI form requires students to identify subjects they request to study in Year 11 and 12 to achieve their HSC qualification. The Wyndham College course guide must be consulted to complete this section to gain an understanding of courses. Incomplete forms without all attachments are not accepted.
Step 2 : Return expression of interest forms
Step 2 : Return expression of interest forms
- Email to : wyndhamcol-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au or
- Hand deliver to Wyndham College front office or
- Mail completed Expression of Interest to Enrol forms to:
Deputy Principal
Wyndham College,
PO Box 117
Quakers Hill NSW 2763
Completing the Expression of Interest form does not guarantee enrolment at Wyndham College. All offers will be at the discretion of the Principal at the College and dependent on vacancies in courses available.
If you have any questions about the enrolment process please phone the Deputy Principal on 02 9208 7100.
Step 3 : Enrolment interview
Successful EOIs will be invited for interview.
Please bring copies of the following documents with you:
- family law or other relevant court orders (if applicable).
If your child was born overseas you will need to provide:
- passport or travel documents
- current visa and visa subclass
- date of arrival in Australia.
Collegiate Enrolment Procedures
Nirimba Collegiate applicants (Quakers Hill High School, Seven Hills High School & Riverstone High School)
Placements for students from our Collegiate schools are our highest priority. View our extensive range of subjects, course fees and ATAR information in the Course Guide.
Enrolment packages will be provided to Nirimba Collegiate students at the time of their Subject Selection interview in Term 3. Students will need to return their completed enrolment forms to their School’s Careers Advisor as soon as possible.
All enquiries about enrolment in Wyndham College can be directed to the Collegiate Deputy Principal, Wyndham College. Phone 9208 7100
Subject selection is one aspect of the Transition to Senior School Program that involves:
- Provision of a Nirimba Collegiate Senior Course Guide
- Comprehensive Careers Program
- 'Senior School Expo' days in Year 9
- Senior Studies Information session
- Open and Subject Information nights across each of the Collegiate schools
- Subject Taster Days
- Experience Days
- Subject selection interviews with the Collegiate Careers Team.
Local enrolment area
Most schools have designated local enrolment areas. The School Finder shows our local enrolment area. Note: local enrolment areas are subject to change.
Moving overseas
Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT?
Email document.authentication@det.nsw.edu.au to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.