Parents of students at Wyndham College are able to access student information on attendance, daily messages, awards and timetables via the school Sentral parent portal.
Parent / Teacher interviews are also booked using the parent portal.
To access the parent portal use your email account that was provided during enrolment at Wyndham College. Login detail are emailed to parents and also posted to the student enrolment postal address. Should you require another copy of the letter, please contact the school on 9208 7100.
Wyndham College students are able access school information including attendance, daily messages, awards and timetables via the school Sentral student portal. Log in using your DoE Internet username and password. We encourage students to log on to their portal daily to check for important notices and make sure that their attendance is acceptable.
Wyndham College students can access their Department of Education email, Google Apps, and many other learning resources and tools through their Department of Education student portal. Student may use their Internet username and password to log on to this page. If students have forgotten their log on details please speak to a class teacher or visit the IT service room at the top of B Block on the right, or Library for help to reset your password.
Nirimba Library Portal
We love books and almost every week we buy something new to lend to students and staff.
Library members can read popular comics, graphic novels and manga titles as well as new and popular novels. You can also borrow books for research and study.
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