Inclusive Education
The Inclusive Education Faculty at Wyndham College provides educational programs and specialist support to post-school transition for students with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities and Autism in Years 11 and 12.
Teachers in the Inclusive Education Faculty undertake additional training and are experienced teachers in the area of special education. Each class is allocated a Learning Support Officer to assist teachers in the implementation of both class and individual programs.
Inclusive Education students study courses from the Life Skills curriculum, which has been designed by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for students who are unable to access mainstream educational outcomes for a range of reasons. The Life Skills outcomes and content can be viewed on the NESA website - NESA | NSW Government. During their transition to Wyndham College, students and parents/carers choose electives which are suited to the interests of the students.
Through consultation between parents and staff, this pattern of study may be broadened to include subjects from the mainstream syllabus through a program of integration.
Students are supported to develop skills to participate in the workplace through completing Work and Community Studies and work experience. They may also undertake TAFE courses and shorter vocational programs designed to broaden choices and independence as they move toward post-school transition.
Students will have an Individual Transition Plan, planned in consultation with Dept of Education staff and parents/carers, to provide direction towards future work and education opportunities in the post-school years. Students are awarded an HSC at the end of Year 12 and can be linked to a Disability Employment Service.
At Wyndham College, students in the Inclusive Education classes participate in whole school activities with their mainstream peers, including Life Ready, the chance to join the SRC, school sports teams, school clubs, multicultural and other celebration events and music performances. Students are supported to consider their readiness and confidence in choosing which additional opportunities to access.
If you would like further information about the programs and opportunities offered by the Inclusive Education Faculty at Wyndham College, please contact us.
The following curriculum courses are taught within the Inclusive Education Faculty using the relevant Life Skills outcomes. Coursework is differentiated to address the specific needs and abilities of each student.
· English (compulsory)
· Work and Community Studies
· Mathematics
· Society and Culture
· Visual Arts
· Music
· Computing Studies
· Food Technology
Vocational Education and Training Courses
These courses, known as Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) and school and vocational education training (SVET) are available to students in Year 11 and 12 and are completed as units of study for the HSC. Students attend a TAFE course run at school or local TAFE colleges. Examples of available courses include the following:
· Hospitality
· Construction
· Retail Services
· Hairdressing
· Warehousing
· Animal Care
· Horticulture