Wyndham College

A school as unique as you are.

Telephone02 9208 7100


Assessment and reporting

Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess student learning.

Teachers observe students' work in class and look closely at tasks throughout the year. They also formally assess a student's achievement based on the outcomes described in the syllabus of the subject.

As a parent or carer, you’ll receive a written report twice a year. It gives you a clear picture of your child’s achievements – what they know and can do.

In Years 7 to 10, we use the common grade scale in reporting. In Year 11, we use the Preliminary grade scale.


We provide detailed information to students about what we expect from them throughout the year and how their work will be assessed. Students have a number of formal assessments throughout their schooling.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are assessed on achievement of competencies.

Please refer to the Wyndham College Assessment Handbooks below and make sure you are planning and preparing for each task.

Students should also refer to the HSC Rules and procedures to ensure they understand all NESA requirements.


Examinations occur each year for Year 11 and Year 12 respectively at Wyndham College. Exam timetables will be published on this website.

During these times classes are suspended for that year group, with the exception of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET and accelerated courses).

Examinations take place in the Hall or Gym and students with disabilities provisions use the designated demountable rooms. Disability provisions needs to have been applied for and accepted before any examination period.

Students are to wear full school uniform to examinations. They must bring their student ID card and display it on their desk. An attendance slip is filled out by each student just prior to the commencement of each examination. Mobile phones are to be switched off and left in the student’s bag. Students should be discouraged from making trips to the toilet while the examination is in progress. Students must stay in the examination room for the full duration of the examination.

Assessment appeals process

You should complete an illness misadventure form in the following circumstances:

  • you are prevented from attending any form of assessment task (including examinations) due to illness or unforeseen misadventure
  • you consider that your performance in an assessment task (including examinations) has been affected by illness or misadventure during the assessment task.

If you were absent from the task this form must be completed and submitted immediately upon your return to school. The treatment of assessment tasks or exams affected by illness or misadventure and illness or misadventure forms can be found in the Wyndham College HSC Assessment Handbook.

If you have a major problem on the morning of the examination

Notify your Year Deputy or the front office on 02 9208 7100 as soon as possible, and make an illness or misadventure application as soon as you return to school.

All illness or misadventure appeals require a medical certificate.

Missed examinations will be rescheduled during the examination period.

If you consider that your performance in an assessment task has been affected by illness or misadventure immediately before or during the assessment task, you must make your teacher aware of your intention to lodge an appeal prior to the commencement of the task.

HSC exams

The integrity of HSC examinations and results is a prime concern of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). NSW Higher School Certificate results are developed using fair, rigorous and publicly accountable processes.

The full HSC written examlanguages oral exam and practical and performance exam timetables are available on the NESA website. Students can access their personalised HSC written exam timetable on Students Online. Please log on to this portal to check your confirmation of entry and ensure your name, courses, address, email and phone number are correct.

Key dates for the HSC and all of your certifications are available through Students Online. Download your free eRecord and/or RoSA/HSC/VET credential PDF from the Certificates/eRecord section.

HSC results

Understand HSC results and the systems behind determining and processing HSC results.

Students receive their HSC results each December via email and text message and the following services become available.

The HSC results enquiry centre provides a telephone service which is available for students to call on 1300 13 83 23 after results are released. The service is a valuable opportunity for you to talk with experienced NESA staff. You may discuss any concerns you have about your marks or ask specific questions about your results, which might include:

  • All of my school assessment marks were over 80, so why is my HSC assessment mark only 76?
  • Why was my illness/misadventure appeal unsuccessful?
  • I have an exam mark of 72 for Biology, why was I not placed in Band 4?
  • If I was ranked first in my school, why are my exam and assessment marks different?
  • My English marks are much lower than those in every other subject. Is there a mistake?

At peak times, you may experience a delay getting through to an operator. If you have forgotten your six-digit PIN, find out how to access your account and change your PIN.

The phone service operates 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday (8.00 am on HSC Results Day). Closed weekends and public holidays.

Services provided by other organisations

Career Advisory Service
A free phone and email service offered by the NSW Department of Education and available after results are released in December. The service provides students and their families or caregivers with up-to-date, relevant and impartial information about the range of available career and study options.

The largest provider of vocational education and training in Australia. Many HSC courses give students credit towards TAFE credentials. Credit can be gained from general courses, such as Geography and Visual Arts, as well as from courses that include vocational units of competency.

Students may also undertake TAFE study prior to enrolling in university. Universities Australia has developed, with participating universities, national credit transfer arrangements for holders of TAFE qualifications in 15 broad fields of study.

Smart and Skilled program
The NSW Department of Education's program which allows school leavers aged 15 years or older to enrol in government subsidised Vocational Education and Training (VET) up to and including Cert III, either at TAFE or another approved private or community training provider.

Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)
The HSC results are used by the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) to calculate a rank order of students known as the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). The ATAR is not a mark, nor is it a summary of the HSC. It is a ranking system used to allocate university placements.