Wyndham College specialises in senior education - Years 11 and 12, offering a diverse curriculum providing students with choice and flexibility to meet the requirements for the HSC and to prepare them for a variety of post-school options.
Partnerships with Nirimba TAFE and the University of Western Sydney provide students with benefits including the ability to complete concurrent courses of study, accelerated programs and post-school opportunities.
The Nirimba Collegiate is managed by the College Management Group (CMG).
The Nirimba Collegiate Management Group recently announced the approval of the future recalibration of the Nirimba Collegiate.
This will mean that junior collegiate school partners will begin to offer senior courses for Year 11 in 2021 and Year 12 in 2022.
To find out more about the associated changes and how this may affect you and your children click on the link below to this article on our website.
Recalibration Update
The Collegiate Management Group met with representatives from the NSW Department of Education to support the process of identifying the immediate and long term physical resources required by our schools to deliver Year 11 and Year 12 courses as well as cater for anticipated increases in student enrollments across the Collegiate.
Our Collegiate Deputy Principal, Bethany O'Connor has developed the Nirimba Collegiate Senior Course Guide which provides those entering Year 11 nest year with valuable course information and indicates which courses will be offered to students at each Collegiate school.
Careers Advisers at each school will guide the students through the booklet and each school will hold senior "Open Nights" to explain the course offerings. Consultation with staff, parents and students will occur for the selection of senior uniforms for QHHHS, RHS and SHHS.
Please continue to address any issues or questions with the Principals of the Collegiate schools.