HSC: All My Own Work is a program designed to help HSC students follow the principles and practices of good scholarship and ethical practices when using information as part of their HSC studies.
Students who have completed the program will also know about penalties for cheating and how to avoid malpractice when preparing their work for assessment. To be eligible for the HSC, students must complete HSC: All My Own Work.
To learn more about the updated AMOW program, refer to the AMOW fact sheet (PDF 80.24KB)
At Wyndham College, the four modules in this program should be completed by students individually online. Each topic takes about 30 minutes to complete, and the program takes a total of 2 to 3 hours.
Students undertake a quiz at the end of each module and receive a completion certificate which will need to be provided as evidence of completion. Seek help from the Teacher Librarian during study periods if needed. The program may be completed in the Library on the computers that are available to students during study periods, or independently at home.
Type your full name in to the quiz box for each module before starting. Upon completion of each quiz, students will receive an online completion certificate which can be downloaded, printed or screenshot. The certificate will identify which topic was completed, the student’s quiz result and their name. Email the four files in one email as attachments to wyndhamcol-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au with the subject line "All My Own Work Results". You can also save the files in your Google Drive and share the results with the Deputy Principal, Library and Front Office Staff.
The criteria for satisfactory completion of AMOW is similar to the criteria for satisfactory completion of a Preliminary or HSC course.
A student is considered to have satisfactorily completed AMOW if, in the principal's view, there is sufficient evidence that the student has:
- systematically addressed the content covered by AMOW
- applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in AMOW by the school
- achieved some or all of the expected outcomes of AMOW.
As with decisions about satisfactory completion of a course, the professional judgement of principals and teachers is a key element in decisions about a student's satisfactory completion of AMOW.
Principals are also able to deem that satisfactory completion has been demonstrated through equivalent programs.
Upon completion of each quiz, students will receive an online completion certificate which can be downloaded, printed or screenshot and provided to the relevant supervising school staff. The certificate will identify which topic was completed, the student’s quiz result and their name. Supervising school staff will then be able to identify if the student can progress to the next topic.
Principals will certify a student’s completion of AMOW in Schools Online when confirming Preliminary and HSC entries for their school.