Wyndham College

A school as unique as you are.

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Research & Study Centre

The Nirimba Senior College Library is a shared facility with St John Paul II Catholic College and provides a place of enrichment and wellbeing for both of the schools.

The Library is at the heart of teaching and learning and features advanced digital technologies including laptops and large interactive touch screen panels. 

Literature & Reading

Wyndham is a reading community and the library provides a wonderfully-varied collection of fiction and literature that stimulates students to read widely. The extensive non-fiction collection is complemented by a technology-rich environment that provides access to sophisticated databases and online resources.

Staff members work hard to equip the students with advanced information skills so that they will become lifelong learners. The library is the busy hub of school life. And even when the lights are turned out the libraries are still working, providing on-line material to the school community through remote access to the library catalogue.

Opening Hours

  • Monday: 7:45am - 3:15pm
  • Tuesday: 7:45am - 3:15pm
  • Wednesday: 7:45am - 3:15pm
  • Thursday: 7:45am - 3:15pm
  • Friday: 7:45am - 2:15pm

After hours @ WSU Library Nirimba

Nirimba Precinct Library Agreement 

As a special condition of enrolment at Wyndham College, students are able to join Western Sydney University Library through the College that is situated on our campus. Please download and fill out the Nirimba Library Agreement form (PDF 65KB) and hand it to Library staff at Wyndham College Library or email it to wyndhamcol-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au. Please also read the Guidelines for Use of the WSU Library document (PDF 116KB).

Western Sydney University Nirimba Library is also open Monday to Friday until 7pm. We encourage students to use WSU Library after school as this provides extended hours that are complimentary to our Library service at Wyndham College. Please see the Nirimba Precint map for the location of the WSU Library.

NSCL - Mission Statement

The Nirimba Senior College Library (NSCL) is a welcoming, dynamic, inspiring and respectful community which complements and supports Wyndham College staff and students.

The library provides students the opportunity for creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking.  The library aims to support teachers in developing critical and creative thinking, ethical, intercultural, personal and social capabilities of students.

The NSCL supports and enables the 2021 -2024 Strategic Improvement Plan

  • Student Growth and Attainment
  • Wellbeing of Students and Staff.
  • Making Connections for Learning


•Recognises that student leaning needs are central and it will provide enrichment to classroom learning
•Fosters and pursues excellence
•Provides a variety of teaching and learning spaces that are consistent and accessible
•Is professionally staffed
•Encourages innovation, is flexible and dynamic

Students can expect the NSCL to be:
•A place to exchange ideas and access knowledge both physical and virtual
•A consistent, supportive and productive study environment to support their learning

By the end of 2025 the NSCL library will continue to be an essential partner in learning at Wyndham College, have a physical and virtual presence available for all users and embrace change.