Parents play an integral part in the development of the college. Wyndham College Parents & Citizen Association (Friends of Wyndham) aims to provide a forum to promote communication and co-operation between the school and its community and to assist in providing additional resources through fundraising activities.
Some of their acheivements have included designing our school uniform and logo, providing air conditioning to some learning spaces and resourcing classrooms including the Library.

Friends of Wyndham meet regularly in Tradewynds Café. Check newsletter for dates.
Your children will benefit directly by your involvement in their school life. Please contact the school on 9208 7100 or email if you would like to become involved with Friends of Wyndham P&C.
The e-P & C MODEL (FOW)
Wyndham College has been operating successfully as an eP&C (FOW) for the past few years. This model is designed to both consult and inform as many parents and the school community as possible.
The Senior Executive will email issues as they arise to seek parent advice. Replies are to the email lists of parents who are financial members of the e-P&C. Parents on the e-P&C list are not obliged to respond to every issue.
Two parent meetings will be held in a year:
- Term 1 Welcome reception and AGM
- Term 4 Parent Forum – HSC Assessment/Information evening
The e-P&C (FOW) eP&C will be advertised each year to parents via email and newsletters. Following the Welcome Event and AGM, the membership list will be compiled and the group formulated by the college computer coordinator. A welcome message will be sent.
At the AGM volunteers are then called for, to take the roles of President, Vice President and Treasurer. A $2 annual membership fee exists to enable financial members to vote on issues. Issues for consultation Sometimes issues arise throughout the year, extra meetings maybe necessary to address these issues. However at least once a year the e-P&C will need to review income they generate and allocate this progressively to the designated school projects that are established this will probably occur at the term 4 Parent Forum.
E-P&C will also provide parents for interview panels, and community representatives on projects the College are involved in. Join the e-P&C Parents are invited to join the e-P&C. This is a group email of e-P&C parents by which the Senior Executive can seek parent advice on issues that require input from our school community. These issues will periodically be emailed to you with no obligation to respond. If you are interested in representing parents in this way please provide your email address to the principal at or by sending her this form.
I am interested in the e-P&C My child is _______________________________________ in year________________
My name _____________________________________ My email ______________________________________________