Wyndham College

A school as unique as you are.

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Starting college

Tips for parents when students start College:

  • Encourage your child speak to the school careers adviser early – different pathways exist, HSC isn’t the only option.
  • Arrange stationary and school supplies before school starts. Encourage your child to get familiar with the topics over the school holidays.
  • Encourage good organisation by having a calendar with key dates at home.
  • Talk with them about how school is going and any concerns they have – let them know you’re there to help while respecting their space.
  • Encourage out of school activities, such as sport and music.
  • Help your child develop good study habits – this includes making time for regular breaks.
  • A balanced diet and ample rest are important.
  • Ensure your child knows where they can go for support if they feel overwhelmed – for example the school’s health and wellbeing team, Kids Helpline, LifeLine, Headspace and Beyond Blue.
  • If your child is anxious about study or exams, try to stay calm for them and listen to their concerns.
  • Encourage them to visit open days for universities and TAFEs. They don’t have to be in Year 12 to attend.

Click here to continue your student enrolment at Wyndham College. Visit the Parent Portal for more personalised information about your son or daughter.