TradeWynds Café and Function Centre is a trade school facility for hospitality - for those who don’t know, this is a revolutionary concept.
Wyndham College students have been serving the public with coffee, food and and general catering for nearly 10 years now. It operates like a normal cafe and is staffed by experienced staff and students who are doing their in-school Certification for careers in hospitality.
Function room
The Tradewynds function and meeting room is separate to the cafe area and outdoor deck. The room comfortably seats up to 40 people at large round tables.
The function room has a huge touch screen active panel and web cam that can be connected to a laptop and is perfect for presentations or meetings.
The cafe is a not for profit organisation and all proceeds are invested back in to the College and education programs for students.
Visit us today
Tradewynds Cafe is located on the Nirimba Education Precinct on Eastern Road in Quakers Hill. It is open from 7:30am – 1:30pm Monday to Thursday serving breakfast, lunch and coffees to Nirimba Precinct staff and the general public during school term times only. (Closed on Fridays except for functions).
High school students are not permitted to use the café without written teacher permission. Parking at Tradewynds is reserved for customers of Tradewynds Café and function centre.
Eat in or take-away is available. Orders and bookings can be phoned through on 02 9208 7136.
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