23 Jul 2021

23 Jul 2021
New COVID19 restictions for our College and another update from NESA about the HSC. Advice for Year 11 & 12
YEAR 12 - 23 July 2021
Dear Year 12 Students, Parents & Caregivers,
On Friday 23 July, the Premier announced the addition of Blacktown and Cumberland local government areas (LGAs) to the list of LGAs that have additional COVID restrictions. This means that residents in these LGAs can only leave their homes for a reasonable excuse. Our school is in the Blacktown LGA and this order applies to our school’s families. Given these new restrictions, I want to repeat our earlier advice to strongly encourage all parents and carers to keep their children learning from home. Our school will remain open only for students who need it. We will continue to operate with minimum staff on site.
The NSW Department of Education has some great resources to support students learning from home. There are also some helpful tips and toolkits for parents and carers. Make sure you tune in to the #EducationLIVE sessions at 10am daily or catch up on past videos. The NSW Department of Education continues to work with NSW Health to support the continuity of education in our schools. Please visit the NSW Government website for more information on the current stay-at-home orders.
The COVID Intensive Learning Support Program (COVID ILSP) is still operational and if any student needs additional help, please contact the Program Co-ordinator Anjani Bachu via email - anjani.bachu2@det.nsw.edu.au If needed, students can reach out to their Year Advisers and Head Teacher Well-being and any student who requires urgent counselling support, our School Counsellor, Anna Jakymin may becontacted via email - Anna.Jakymin@det.nsw.edu.au
Updated advice from NESA The NESA COVID Response Committee has made additional changes to the 2021 HSC timetable to give students certainty in the lead up to performance, practical and written examinations. In line with Health advice, we will:
• Extend the hand in date for all major projects by 2 weeks. The hand-in date for Industrial Technology has been extended by 4 weeks
• Reschedule Drama performance exams to run from 6 to 17 September
• Music performance exams continue as scheduled, running from 30 August to 10 September
• Reschedule the written exams to begin one week later on 19 October with HSC results out on 17 December.
These changes mean all students have some additional time to prepare for exams or complete their project and still receive their results this year. The decision aims to give students as much clarity as possible so they can focus on their studies, their wellbeing and plans for the future. Revised timetables for the language oral, practical, performance and written exams will be published on the NESA website by next Friday.
Dance Performance Examinations: Marking dates -Wyndham College-Monday 14 September and Tuesday 15 September (these dates are confirmed)
Design and Technology Major Projects: Completion and hand-in date-Thursday 2 September 2021
Drama Projects: Completion and hand-in date-Monday 30 August 2021. Drama Performance Examinations: Marking dates-Monday 6 September to Friday 17 September 2021
English Extension 2 Major Works: Completion and hand-in date-Friday 27 August 2021
Industrial Technology Major Projects: Completion and hand-in date-Thursday 2 September 2021
Languages Oral Examinations: Languages oral examinations have been rescheduled to run from 14 August to 18 September for students in Greater Sydney and regional NSW.
Music Submitted Works: Completion and hand-in date-Monday 13 September 2021.
Society and Culture Personal Interest Projects: Completion and hand-in date-Monday 9 August 2021.
Textile and Design Major Projects: Completion and hand-in date-Monday 23 August 2021.
Visual Arts Bodies of Work: Completion and hand-in date-Monday 6 September 2021.
Key messages to students from NESA
■ Processes are in place to ensure your hard work is rewarded.
■ No exam is more important than your wellbeing.
■ Keep learning and submitting assessments.
■ Keep preparing for exams.
■ Follow NSW Health advice. Students undertaking VET courses in 2021 will remain eligible for the Preliminary or HSC credit units if unable to complete work placement due to the direct impact of COVID-1 9.
■ HSC students can attempt the HSC minimum standard tests up to 6 times per year, with 14 days between attem pt s.
■ The COVID illness and misadventure process is available to HSC students whose work on major projects or preparation for performance exams is significantly impacted by COVID restrictions.
UAC COVID-19 update
In spite of the current Sydney lockdown, UAC is fully operational and available to provide ongoing support for students, schools and parents. Our call centre is fully operational and our friendly team is standing by to take calls on +612 9752 0200 Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. Livechat and email through our website also continue to be available. We will continue to monitor the situation. Should any changes be made to UAC processes due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will advise schools and students immediately.
A message for NSW Year 12 students - We know you’re worried about how your studies and future plans will be affected by COVID-19. There are currently no changes to HSC exams and ATAR is proceeding as normal. Please keep going with your studies and remember there are many paths to reaching your goals, including getting to university. There's your UAC application, Educational Access Schemes, the Schools Recommendation Scheme and other early offer schemes. Stay up to date with the latest information: • NSW Education Standards Authority updates about measures they are taking for Year 11 and 12 students. We’re here to help, so please get in touch if you need advice or reassurance. Keep an eye out for our regular Facebook and Instagram Live sessions. Applications to undergraduate courses Here are some important things to remember:
• Applications for undergraduate study in 2022 are now open. The early bird application deadline is 30 September 2021.
• Many institutions have one or more early offer schemes for Year 12 students.
• The closing date for the Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS) is 19 September 2021.
• The Educational Access Scheme does not currently cover remote learning or new relief payments, but it does include JobKeeper/JobSeeker for those whose parents previously received those payments. As information and situations are changing rapidly, we ask that you regularly check our normal communication channels for updates - email, Facebook, lnst agram, Wyndham College website.
I wish to reassure all Year 12 and their families, that the College will ensure no student is disadvantaged and the well-being of our students is paramount. If there is anything the College can do to assist our students or families, please do not hesitate to make cont act . Please take care. Karen Smith Principal
YEAR 11 - 23 July 2021
Dear Year 11 Students, Parents & Caregivers,
On Friday 23 July, the Premier announced the addition of Blacktown and Cumberland local government areas (LGAs) to the list of LGAs that have additional COVID restrictions. This means that residents in these LGAs can only leave their homes for a reasonable excuse. Our school is in the Blacktown LGA and this order applies to our school’s families. Given these new restrictions, I want to repeat our earlier advice to strongly encourage all parents and carers to keep their children learning from home. Our school will remain open only for students who need it.
We will continue to operate with minimum staff on site. The NSW Department of Education has some great resources to support students learning from home. There are also some helpful tips and toolkits for parents and carers. Make sure you tune in to the #EducationLIVE sessions at 10am daily or catch up on past videos. The NSW Department of Education continues to work with NSW Health to support the continuity of education in our schools. Please visit the NSW Government website for more information on the current stay-at-home orders. Wyndham College will continue to operate under Level 4 of the Department of Education COVID19 Framework.
The College will continue to operate through online teaching and learning until at least Friday 30 July. Regular face to face classes will not run here at the College, however, all students are expected to continue engaging with regular timetabled classes online through their Google Classrooms, student emails, as well as through other online platforms as directed by class teachers.
The COVID Intensive Learning Support Program (COVID ILSP) is still operational and if any student needs additional help, please contact the Program Co-ordinator Anjani Bachu via email - anjani.bachu2@det.nsw.edu.au If needed, students can reach out to their Year Advisers and Head Teacher Well-being and any student who requires urgent counselling support, our School Counsellor, Anna Jakymin may be contacted via email - Anna.Jakymin@det.nsw.edu.au For next week, the College Office hours will be Monday to Thursday 7.30am to 12pm and 7.30am - 11am on Fridays.
If you do not have a computer and/or internet access, contact the school front office so arrangements can be made to supply you with technology. Work Placement and Work Experience for all courses is on hold until further notice. Students booked for these activities should continue with normal timetabled classes online. Students unable to complete a VET Work Placement, due to the impacts of COVID-19 will still be eligible for their Preliminary and HSC credit unit s. Following are links regarding 'Cyber Safe Families' -
As information and situations are changing rapidly, we ask that you regularly check our normal communication channels for updates - email, Facebook, lnstagram, Wyndham College website.
I wish to reassure all Year 11 students and their families, that the well-being of our students is paramount. The College will ensure no student's education will be disadvantaged. If there is anything the College can do to assist our students and their families, please do not hesitate to make contact.
Please take care.
Karen Smith Principal
Nirimba Education Precinct
Eastern Road
Postal Address: Wyndham College
PO BOX 117
telephone 02 9208 7100
We would like to acknowledge the Warawara people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our College is situated. We would also like to pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging of the Dharug Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people.
Copyright for this website is owned by the State of New South Wales through the Department of Education. For more information go to http://www.dec.nsw.gov.au/footer/copyright.